High-quality fabric with a wide range of colors is used for the production of blanks in the TM Kolorova, and in addition, many types of fabrics are available, allowing you to choose the desired composition and density of threads.

The pattern on the fabric in TM Kolorova is applied in the form of a diagram - this is an image divided into small squares, each of which contains one bead or a cross if embroidering with threads. Each square also has its own color or symbol (indicates similar colors). In TM Kolorova, the colors used in the diagram are presented in a separate column called the "key." Thanks to this "key," beginner crafters can use the recommended colors without having to pick beads themselves. If desired, one can order a pattern for embroidery with the recommended beads or threads.

You can familiarize yourself with the new blanks at the links below:

Children's shirt for boys CDХ-078

Children's shirt CD Ethno-015 (5-10 years)

Children's dress PD Ethno-015

Women's shirt SJ Ethno-041
Women's dress PJ Ethno-041